RT @teedubya: very true @AlexisNeely .we are spiritual beings that are having a/another human experience. Crazy to think about, but so true
5/31/2009 07:31:00 PM |
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NET:It will bring about the extinction of the nationstate as we know it..I think it will be as big a deal as the creation of cities.W.Gibson
5/31/2009 07:11:00 PM |
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RT @SilwerSurfer: @mspro :#so. feierabend. vorschläge? , - den lieben Gott ´n netten alten Mann sein lassen...
5/31/2009 07:03:00 PM |
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RT @mtirel: "The universal currency wars are coming. It’s going to be interesting to watch." by Lisa Rutherford
http://tr.im/mXlw #OpenMoney
5/31/2009 04:46:00 PM |
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the grammar seemed a bit askew...well...the point is: stop worrying & enjoy your life!
5/31/2009 04:22:00 PM |
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i wish more people who aren't yet twittering would begin, and less people who are already doing it would stop to billboardbombard 24/7 #grrr
5/31/2009 04:20:00 PM |
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@RavoxX Das ist schön. die rüstigen Mitbürger ;)
5/31/2009 04:17:00 PM |
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RT & thanx @therealjosh: The Astounding World of the Future
5/31/2009 04:05:00 PM |
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RT @lightafire: "Sooner or later we all quote our mothers." ~~ Bern Williams
5/31/2009 03:55:00 PM |
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@the_gman nice one ;)
5/31/2009 03:45:00 PM |
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karneval der kulturen wirkt im vergleich zum köllsche karnival sehr zugeknöpft...naja, sonne & bier wird da schon helfen :)
5/31/2009 03:26:00 PM |
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5/30/2009 07:13:00 PM |
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@TheMeaningofTea: When water is ladled from the depths of Mind-whose bottom is beyond measure-then we really have what is called TeaCeremony
5/30/2009 07:11:00 PM |
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@starlingpoet thanks for the love
5/30/2009 07:10:00 PM |
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RT @CobwebsStir: It's a box 'o koan. :-p
5/30/2009 07:06:00 PM |
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RT @starlingpoet: RT @esoterismo♥ "Words are alive; cut them and they bleed." ~Emerson
5/29/2009 11:32:00 PM |
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@jcollint thank you :)
5/29/2009 11:24:00 PM |
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5/29/2009 08:53:00 PM |
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@pembteaco thanx for the "County Tea response guidelines" - and oh yeah. rather good teas y' have :)
5/29/2009 03:16:00 PM |
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5/29/2009 03:01:00 PM |
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RT @To_The_Moon: Just taking lunch. Think i'll take it on Earth, while the weather's nice :o) Be back soon, Comrades!
5/29/2009 02:15:00 PM |
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RT @twihaiku: an old horse / speaks russian / in my dream @erboyehaiku
5/29/2009 01:51:00 PM |
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@flawnt thanks for having a tea with us :)
5/29/2009 01:46:00 PM |
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5/29/2009 06:00:00 AM |
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The Perfect Vehicle
5/29/2009 05:00:00 AM |
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5/29/2009 04:00:00 AM |
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5/29/2009 02:25:00 AM |
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Let Your Treatise Fly
5/29/2009 01:02:00 AM |
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RT @onlykidsyndrome: Some days when I log in to Twitter, I feel like I'm in a never-ending infomercial.
5/28/2009 09:53:00 PM |
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RT @shannonseek: My grammar is hysterical today. Side of effect of a little bumpy brain / body integration!
5/28/2009 09:38:00 PM |
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♫ great new rock act from berlin:
5/28/2009 08:54:00 PM |
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RT @flawnt: put my pinky in hot hot soup and pulled it out too late. ouch.
5/28/2009 01:17:00 PM |
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RT @sycfuk: gween tea tiiime !!! mmm hmmmm
5/27/2009 09:19:00 PM |
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RT @pembteaco: Just enjoying a pembrokeshire rose tea
5/27/2009 01:55:00 PM |
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bundestag spricht von "internet-mauern". soso.
5/27/2009 12:29:00 PM |
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Support a Starving Poet: Follow @thepoetweets ! #introspection
5/27/2009 10:19:00 AM |
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"Sexually frustrated single parent finds ways to "monetize" her offspring in the showbiz." #shortstory
5/27/2009 10:12:00 AM |
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RT @williger: RT @Armano: New visual: Relationship Loop
5/26/2009 11:42:00 PM |
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@Andreaprilward sure ting. great quote!
5/26/2009 12:26:00 PM |
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You Are A Terrorist #zensursula #english
5/26/2009 11:57:00 AM |
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RT @Andreaprilward: The past exists, only to come back in the future, to bite you in the butt.
5/26/2009 10:37:00 AM |
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Meningitis girl in coma wakes up singing Abba's Mamma Mia
http://ow.ly/9fkh #headlines
5/26/2009 10:30:00 AM |
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@frank93 prost !
5/25/2009 10:17:00 PM |
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messing around with this live-visitor widget is a lot of fun. I see y'all shuffling in' & out like happy poker cards. =)
5/25/2009 09:49:00 PM |
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RT @tristessedeluxe: Hach, endlich mal wieder einen A-Record einrichten. Jetzt fließt mein Befehl durch alle DNS-Server. Ich bin Gott!!!11
5/25/2009 09:27:00 PM |
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@no_ware_land a big thank you to the oblong mercury cell =D
5/25/2009 09:26:00 PM |
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5/25/2009 06:31:00 PM |
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RT @antjeschrupp:im Forum bzw-weiterdenken einen neuen Artikel von Dorothee Markert zum #Grundeinkommen gepostet:
5/25/2009 05:35:00 PM |
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RT @timpritlove: Nette Twitter-Follower-Visualisierung
http://ping.fm/2E9ku #style #networking
5/25/2009 04:31:00 PM |
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neues video von der OberBaum Bridge
http://ow.ly/94dQ #east/west #berlin
5/25/2009 02:15:00 PM |
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RT @book_mom: Sticks and stones can break your bones but words cause permanent damage!
5/25/2009 12:40:00 PM |
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RT @Kirchberg »I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.« - Douglas Adams #towelday
5/25/2009 12:17:00 PM |
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@ninjen beatific. thank you
5/25/2009 10:48:00 AM |
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thanx a lot @PryncessPoetiq and Dovelish_Kay for your appreciation. biglove! and btw: there's a lot more on
5/25/2009 10:41:00 AM |
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just wrote a short review about "Thinner"
5/25/2009 10:31:00 AM |
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thanx thomas!!! RT @thomasraukamp: #ccmusic ::
http://ping.fm/D1N4S for this day is finally up and running. Enjoy #free #mp3
5/25/2009 09:56:00 AM |
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Note To Self. Must Follow @NoteRobot :D
5/25/2009 12:03:00 AM |
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this was #solliloquie sunday, friends. hope ya liked it. stay tuned for more next week / last one: Body & Breath
http://ow.ly/8WDM #poetry
5/25/2009 12:03:00 AM |
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this was #solliloquie sunday, friends. hope ya liked it. stay tuned for more next week / last one: Body & Breath
http://ow.ly/8Y0q #poetry
5/24/2009 11:58:00 PM |
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Body & Breath
http://ow.ly/8WDM #poetry
5/24/2009 11:47:00 PM |
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Let Your Treatise Fly
http://ow.ly/8WDI #poetry
5/24/2009 11:35:00 PM |
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I Am an Infant
http://ow.ly/8WDG #poetry
5/24/2009 11:25:00 PM |
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Note to Self
http://ow.ly/8WDE #poetry
5/24/2009 11:25:00 PM |
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Love Number One
http://ow.ly/8WD4 #poetry
5/24/2009 11:05:00 PM |
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I Am a Dice
http://ow.ly/8WCZ poetry
5/24/2009 11:01:00 PM |
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To be Conscious
http://ow.ly/8WCe poetry
5/24/2009 10:35:00 PM |
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Waking Up
http://ow.ly/8WC9 #poetry
5/24/2009 10:20:00 PM |
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Faszination Bewusstsein - Das menschliche Denken
http://ow.ly/8XaT #doku
5/24/2009 10:15:00 PM |
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Letting Go
http://ow.ly/8Wqz #poetry
5/24/2009 10:10:00 PM |
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To Jack Kerouac
http://ow.ly/8Wnt #poetry
5/24/2009 10:05:00 PM |
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Diz Dharma
http://ow.ly/8Wjw #poetry
5/24/2009 10:01:00 PM |
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A Divine Charade
http://ow.ly/8Wj4 #poetry
5/24/2009 09:56:00 PM |
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The Navel of the World
http://ow.ly/8Wip #poetry
5/24/2009 09:41:00 PM |
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Looking Backwards
http://ow.ly/8WhU #poetry
5/24/2009 09:25:00 PM |
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5/24/2009 09:08:00 PM |
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Me, Myself and I
http://ow.ly/8Wct #poetry
5/24/2009 09:01:00 PM |
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This Dream
http://ow.ly/8Wc3 #poetry
5/24/2009 08:55:00 PM |
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This Separation
http://ow.ly/8WcA #poetry
5/24/2009 08:41:00 PM |
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Deep Sleep Surfing on a Delta Wave
http://ow.ly/8Wal #poetry
5/24/2009 08:40:00 PM |
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Today We'll Be Bringing You a Fine Selection of Metaphysical Poetry all through the Night/Day #soliloquie sunday
5/24/2009 08:32:00 PM |
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On the Tip of my Tongue
http://ow.ly/8Wai #poetry
5/24/2009 08:25:00 PM |
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The Waiting Room
http://ow.ly/8Wae #poetry
5/24/2009 08:12:00 PM |
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How not to Deal with your Frustration over a Broken Relationship
5/24/2009 05:04:00 PM |
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RT @TwitRadiator Law of Attraction or just poetic justice? A spammer I just blocked was being followed only by other spammers! :-)
5/24/2009 04:34:00 PM |
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added some nice new fading menu to da Reading Corner
5/24/2009 04:11:00 PM |
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"Erst anmelden, dann Kaffee trinken!" - Polizei löst Gespräch von Studenten auf, die in Kreuzberg Bildung diskutieren.
5/24/2009 03:31:00 PM |
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RT @heiseonline: Microsoft sperrt IM-Nutzer in US-Embargostaaten aus
5/24/2009 03:07:00 PM |
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10.000 Children abused sexually, physically & emotionally by staff of catholic church Ireland. 2.600 page report, dublin
5/24/2009 02:59:00 PM |
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thanx via @derfreitag: "Ein Schützenfest für die Verfassung."
http://is.gd/CVkG #journalismus
5/24/2009 02:56:00 PM |
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@blippo wish we could give you more than 3 props a day :D
5/24/2009 02:41:00 PM |
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RT @presseschauer:
http://bit.ly/17d9Yn was tatsächlich geschah als google ausfiel.
5/24/2009 12:39:00 PM |
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RT @TankedCAM: Good morning. This is the TankedCAM aquarium. We're firing up the main tanklight and ready 4 some breakfast
5/24/2009 12:07:00 PM |
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RT @heiseonline: Interview-Archiv deutscher Zeitzeugen kommt ins Internet
5/24/2009 12:05:00 PM |
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Time to Wipe the Dust off the Self, Upgrade the Soul into Hyperspace and Plug the Mind into the Great Oversoul:
http://ow.ly/8SKw #inquiry
5/24/2009 11:21:00 AM |
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RT @michellesheiman: Some haikus just suck //
You can’t always hit home runs //
Try painting instead //
#senryu #haiku #twitterhaiku
5/24/2009 01:12:00 AM |
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What Self-Esteem Is and Is Not
http://ow.ly/8Oby #motivation #psychology #lifequality
5/23/2009 11:36:00 PM |
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5/23/2009 10:45:00 PM |
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thanx for reposting @skashliwal
5/23/2009 10:05:00 PM |
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immer wieder gut. vor allem jetzt zur Zeiten der #Krise #Rezession #Wiewardasnochmal #Ablenkungsmanöver
5/23/2009 10:04:00 PM |
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we've been there: myspace, facebook, reverbnation. but the cleanest way to publish music is really bandcamp. #cuttochase
5/23/2009 09:49:00 PM |
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RT @CobwebsStir: Neighbors arging noisily about... Moussaka? Seriously: 'You want some moussaka, b!+c#? You want some?! Step up or step off!
5/23/2009 09:39:00 PM |
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RT @the_gman: 10 Simple Ways to Show Kindness Online
5/23/2009 06:47:00 PM |
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RT @skashliwal: TWITTER TIP: Ask NOT "What can Twitter do for me?" Ask: "What can I do for my followers on Twitter?" (via @AnnEvanston)
5/23/2009 05:33:00 PM |
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@mspro ja ! es ist ein täglich fest dort. aber schweine? ob das mit mit Mr. Muhammed in Ordnung geht? :D
5/23/2009 05:25:00 PM |
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we've been fooling around with ads for quite some time. conclusio: adsense sucks!. but we're very happy now with adgitze:
5/23/2009 05:11:00 PM |
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RT: @netzpolitik: #KemperTrautmann geht gegen "Du bist Terrorist" vor:
http://bit.ly/9mujT #abmahnung Frechheit! via @oliverg
5/23/2009 11:52:00 AM |
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@no_ware_land hahaha
5/22/2009 07:34:00 PM |
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Oh, ich vermiss die Zeit....
5/22/2009 07:10:00 PM |
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From Disco to Disco
http://ow.ly/8zTS #nieswandt #whirpool
5/22/2009 06:40:00 PM |
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Sahne für Alle:
http://ow.ly/8xF5 #capitalism #communism #activism # pranksterism
5/22/2009 04:02:00 PM |
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YouTube - Dj Hell - U can dance (feat. Bryan Ferry)
5/22/2009 01:01:00 PM |
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American Idol to Us is like Fire in a Bus
5/21/2009 03:48:00 PM |
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lab cab in california
5/21/2009 02:37:00 PM |
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berlin rain / the turkish bar-b-q / techno tent building
5/21/2009 02:34:00 PM |
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Organized religion is
perpetrated by those
who feel the need to
run the lives of others,
5/21/2009 12:07:00 PM |
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RT @pembteaco: RT @teacraftecm Univ of Oxford study - shows regular intake of tea & chocolate improves cognitive performance
5/21/2009 09:59:00 AM |
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@mariobatz we agree :)
5/20/2009 11:08:00 PM |
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Wanna have a smoke in a non-smoke Area? Get yourself an Electronic Cigarette
http://ow.ly/88O8 - or make money: sign up. market it!
5/20/2009 10:30:00 PM |
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Official Vatican Facebook Account #WTF
5/20/2009 07:02:00 PM |
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Krieg und Frieden im Online-Feminismus #aktivismus #manipulation #media
5/20/2009 06:11:00 PM |
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RT @SUSUH Das Gefühlte jetzt mit Zahlen: "Facebook und Twitter leiten Leser auf Nachrichtenseiten" von @HolgerSchmidt
5/20/2009 05:15:00 PM |
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I am just a Figure Posted in Front of the White Noise
http://ping.fm/68DEJ #expedition
5/20/2009 04:21:00 PM |
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Dancing over Digital Shards of the Last Century I am Freed from my Own Meandering Mind
http://ping.fm/nQKHt #expedition
5/20/2009 03:15:00 PM |
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Take a Moment's Breath and I'll open the World to you from a Cup of Tea:
http://ping.fm/tpFhX #expedition
5/20/2009 02:05:00 PM |
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View Original Photographs of the Great Tea Expedition:
http://ow.ly/81g4 #humor #virtual
5/20/2009 12:12:00 PM |
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Watch full-length Episode of our 2006 TV Program online:
http://ow.ly/80Us #stream #psychedelic #poetry #interviews #more2come
5/20/2009 11:22:00 AM |
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@Fun2Tweet thanx, dude
5/20/2009 10:58:00 AM |
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the beautiful ones / those were the 90ies
http://ow.ly/80FZ #retro #androgynous
5/20/2009 10:55:00 AM |
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Report: US promised Jerusalem will be Palestine's capital
http://ping.fm/KGszQ / Obama supposed to roll out peace plan on 4th of june @cairo
5/20/2009 10:30:00 AM |
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RT @Fun2Tweet: I Haven't Lost My Mind, It's Backed Up On Disk Somewhere.
5/19/2009 10:12:00 PM |
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RT @dMnyc: I just got the captcha "reassume stabbing". Hmm...
5/19/2009 10:09:00 PM |
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Let Go of Attachments: Embrace the Future
5/19/2009 01:18:00 PM |
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Timmy the tortoise fitted with fibre-glass 'crash helmet' to protect hole in his shell
http://ow.ly/7M7I #gadgets #animals
5/19/2009 12:50:00 PM |
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@To_The_Moon haha. infan(tea)site :)
5/19/2009 12:21:00 PM |
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@einsofb nice collection
5/19/2009 11:20:00 AM |
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RT @derfreitag: RT @caschy Du Bist Deutschland war gestern!
http://is.gd/Bgn2 #video #terror #zensursula
5/19/2009 11:04:00 AM |
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Rabbi Shlomo In Concert
5/19/2009 12:54:00 AM |
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RT @admiralhbird: and now the Joker changes his disguise & tries to blend n. doesn't want 2b noticed. accept to make new friends.
5/18/2009 09:57:00 PM |
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the prophet is a fool
5/18/2009 09:13:00 PM |
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Me: expiry date unsure but certain / #fashion
5/18/2009 08:44:00 PM |
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life is a crappy game, but the graphics are awesome
http://ow.ly/7D33 #fashion
5/18/2009 08:44:00 PM |
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RT @derfreitag: Von aktiven Minderheiten und vermeintlichen passiven Mehrheiten
http://is.gd/AKxJ #zensursula (via @jacobfricke ) bravo !!!
5/18/2009 06:20:00 PM |
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finally some good news: Cigarette smoke can prevent allergies
http://ow.ly/7xnW #immunisation
5/18/2009 05:30:00 PM |
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Dolphins seen trying to kill calf
http://ow.ly/7xji #infanticide
5/18/2009 04:25:00 PM |
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Real world laws intrude on virtual world behavior
http://ow.ly/7x7x #reality #virtual
5/18/2009 03:25:00 PM |
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"Your sleepiness is stronger than fear. A wilderness of your beauty dozes off, and a moon out of your shadows wakes to guard its trees" ~MD
5/18/2009 02:50:00 PM |
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Conference about the late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish in Bethlehem
http://ow.ly/7x6F #middleeast
5/18/2009 01:50:00 PM |
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Are the days of Records-Sales Over yet? RT @royantebi: RT @andmel: Free new coldplay album
5/18/2009 01:46:00 PM |
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@baztittenhurst very nice. thank you
5/18/2009 01:33:00 PM |
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@Moonpoppy always. bring it on :D
5/18/2009 01:29:00 PM |
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RT @ambienteer: Just for fun... what was once a ‘fairytale’ is now a sparse soundscape -
http://bit.ly/SVwP7 - #ambient #eurovision #mp3
5/18/2009 01:29:00 PM |
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mind + body = mody #newspeech
5/18/2009 01:24:00 PM |
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how nice that we can get rid so easily of MLMs & marketing skams, fronting as "inspired quotes"....unfollow does the trick :)
5/18/2009 01:15:00 PM |
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remember those good ol' POLAROID days? Take a Shot. Shaky, Shaky...Tag the Paper! Poladroid offers a nice reminiscence
5/18/2009 12:22:00 PM |
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Malawi: Elections 2009 - Campaign Goes SMS
http://ow.ly/7wNp #democracy #2.0
5/18/2009 12:15:00 PM |
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5/18/2009 12:09:00 PM |
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In the middle of the desert let your eyes drift skyways, we come over highways - erase the day ~
5/18/2009 12:05:00 PM |
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5/07/2009 08:43:00 PM |
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I wonder why most people download the chillout albums from our new page.... Is the need to take a time out bigger than the rest? #relax
5/04/2009 12:37:00 PM |
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RT @plockhead: gnadenlos grossartig: trent reznor�s antwort auf apple�s ablehnung des NIN App-Updates
5/04/2009 11:27:00 AM |
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good morning twitterverse
5/04/2009 09:38:00 AM |
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5/04/2009 12:53:00 AM |
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RT @mastersoftrivia: The number of people alive on earth right now is higher than the number of all the people that have died. Ever.
5/02/2009 08:32:00 PM |
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thanx to all the twitterers posting from kreuzberg yesterday. it's interesting times we're living in and even more interesting connections
5/02/2009 05:01:00 PM |
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5/01/2009 11:31:00 PM |
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and the helicoptorous Guardian Angels keep on circling... #kreuzberg
5/01/2009 11:17:00 PM |
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reports say, today both groups of police and demonstrators amounted to ca. 5000 people in kreuzberg. 1:1 or not enough security?
5/01/2009 10:54:00 PM |
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5/01/2009 10:40:00 PM |
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the temperature camera shows a big white spot. It is a burning barricade which radicals have built out of security fences and set on fire
5/01/2009 10:39:00 PM |
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In Kreuzberg most people are partying peacefully, others set fire, throw trash cans at police. The Crickets are Humming. Helicopters Circle
5/01/2009 10:34:00 PM |
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5/01/2009 08:37:00 PM |
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reclaim the streets #myfest
5/01/2009 06:53:00 PM |
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Trending Topics: Swineflu. Is Twitter going Tabloid? ~
5/01/2009 01:57:00 AM |
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5/01/2009 01:51:00 AM |
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