Days are tumbling away like socks in the washing-machine
- some dirty, some seemingly clean

And the Source does not care whether you have your tea with milk or sugar
whether you eat rabbits or anything that has eyes in place of a guilty conscience
Because God does not give a shit whether I do my homework with ink or pencil
whether the US is at war with Iran or Iran at war with The United States
And Nature is not affected by petty concerns of fashion-foods and halls of fame

the source does not hold commitees
god does not discuss the truth
nature is never in opposition

The trinity is a phantasy of christianity
in truth there has never been anyone else
anyone besides the One

Meditation makes minds
narrow down

and you can paint your car in thousand colors or leave it the way it came factory-made
you can bend your knees and kiss the ass of some self-appointed divinity reeking of garlic
you can chant mantras and hymns till your throat is sore and ears are deaf
you can learn prayers by heart and study the art of arranging flowers for Judgment Day
you can pour gallons of liquid defined as "holy water" by the blind public over your head
you can watch TV fitness programs and listen to self-help audiobooks
you can make career
you can die from cancer

nothing will change the truth

But the truth is not within me
for everything within me is
nothing but eyes for myself

I'm blind like a fish in a cave
living off rumours reflected
in my native environment

And I am inspired only
by the impulse from without
a friend's adventures
on the path back home
a yearning expressed
by the beginning of time
implemented in the present
and heading straight for the Sky

In truth I am nothing
more than I see, speak, smell
touch and taste
and the time i waste
is the friend I lack
Mein Freund kam ganz geheimnisvoll,
um abzulocken
Das heiligste Geheimnis mir.
Ich sagte trocken:
"Eh ich dir Antwort geben kann
Auf deine Fragen,
Musst du zuvor mir im Vertraun
Noch eines sagen:
Sprich, kannst du schweigen?" - "Wie das Grab!"
"Nun,", sagt ich, "lieber Freund, so hör:
Auch ich kann - schweigen." -
Wake up, son of mine.
Momma got something to tell you.
Changes come.
Life will have its way with your pride, son.
Take it like a man.

Hang on, son of mine.
A storm is blowing on the horizon.

Changes come.
Keep your dignity.
Take the high road,
Take it like a man.

Listen up, son of mine.
Momma got something to tell you.
All about growing pains.
Life will pound away where the light don't shine, son.

Take it like a man.
Suck it up, son of mine.
Thunder blowing up the horizon.

Changes come.
Keep your dignity.
Take the high road.
Take it like a man.

Momma said ? ? ? like a kidney stone.
It's just a broken heart, son.
This pain will pass away.
Looking at the wondrous world
An endless rain pours down upon
Where deficits enlarge the night
There’s only light in part and sum

The tendencies, heartbroken gaps
In ill-lit streets we stumble
And where there’s pleasure there is lack
For all the hate one day shall tumble

Withdrawing in our nations
Behind the shields of pain
Pretentions as our neighbours
We isolate in vain

“Now what?” you ask
Will come to thee?
We’ll come to be
(this is the task)
In boundless
binding company

For otherwise
(We feel it now)
The precious goal
Weighs down in spite
and all our wishes
(endless holes)
will only grow
in darkest night

2.10.2007, Berlin
tangled again
in the jungle
of coloured intentions
I'm drawn by the right
line also known as
my humble twin
cleaning plates
of left desires
isolated acts towards
- nothing
towards you
- in vain

we flail like doves
in the great suction drive
of a giant machine

the jurisdiction
of this asphyxiation
enfolding like stigma
on the screens of creation
I see but rain
on the windmills of Egypt and Spain
and you smile
the skies are scraped
by grey streaks of lust
towards what?
towards you
- in vain

And I walk past
the shores of rhytmn and rhyme
I climb down rabbitholes of time
slashing grapes from the dusk like a dog
the rim of a glass to the lips of my face
I drink and I swell
I swear and I sweat
making bets with myself

the only devil
in all direction

for I can never be full
never be full
never be through with the fact
that my love be broken
that my love be unbroken

- unless
- unless

beneath the crypt
the bones speak out
and I align again
by being realigned
with the lifelines
of your cousins and future sons
the night goes and the light comes
In numbness I snored for years on the run
a solemn tone befalls my tongue
and I fear all I speak
plays down what you hate

but there are not just sirens singing you to shipwreck
but worlds upon worlds between heaven and hell

so satisfaction
skips the line
to be unending
all the time

Keep Fallin' Hot Chip lyrics

Artist: Hot Chip
Album: Coming On Strong
Year: 2005
Title: Keep Fallin'

Nothin's new forever, can't you see I'm just a sucker? I'm like Stevie Wonder, but I can see things

Me and Ulysses, we like Gene and Dean Ween
We're like brothers making records who can't play things

When the prog hits ya, if you're feeling proggy
Let it get ya in the places most others can't reach you

Cause nothin's new forever - all they suckers undercover - It's like only Stevie Wonder sees the same things

I'm a rollin' a rock up a steep-steep hill
When I reach the it comes right back down

I meet Sisyphus when I hit the top
And we stroll back down together slowly

Then we rock on up to the highest top
Me and Ulysses we make the music

When we're feelin hot 'til where ten feet tall
Y'know you're gonna hear us callin', callin'

Give up all you suckers we the tightest muthafuckas And you never seen us talking shit before now

You peelin' potatoes while we sonic alligators
[Keep Fallin' Lyrics on]
Makin' records sellin' like we smokin' crack now

'Joe' -'what now'?
'We bad.' -'Bad how'?
'We make a track to shake a cow
and move you like you startin something nasty?

'And then' -What then?
'We do it again, don?t make no money for us to spend
on yachts and boats and planes and drugs and scooters? (thanks wella )

I, I, I?
I, I, I?
I, I, I?
Keep fallin? Keep fallin? (bis x2)

Told me lately that you have been staring in the mirror - Don't you know that even Stevie Wonder sees things?

You told me that you love a pretty one with ebony eyes - Don't you know that even Stevie Wonder sees things?

Lately I've been staring in the mirror - Don't you ever wonder how the hell does Stevie Wonder see things?

Lately I've been staring in the mirror - Don't you ever wonder how the hell does Stevie Wonder see things?
Wir die dem Schicksal Ergebenen
sich gegen Leben nicht Wehrenden
sind keiner Tat vermutbar Quell
sondern vom Tod getriebene

Als einst du wolltest
Wohnung, Geld
verschlang sich dein Gedärm
und der Wille zu empfangen
glich eines schreiend Kindes Lärm

Ich bin die Kiste
bin das ich
aus dem ich nicht
entkommen kann

Wir die das Geben Pflegenden
sich leise in Kammern Regenden
sind leeren Gläsern niemals Gast
weil unser Wunsch kein Ende kennt

Als einst du wolltest,
Wissen, Macht
verbiss sich dein Verlangen
und der Wille zu empfangen
glich eines leeren Kraters Rand

Ich bin die Kiste
bin das ich
aus dem ich nicht
entrinnen kann

Wir die auf Meeren Segelnden
die sich den Tiefs Enthebenden
sind deines Kerkers Grundgemäuer
weil jede Wand nur Wände trennt

Als einst du wolltest
- für dich...
vielmehr für alle!
ward das Verlangen
und der Wille zu empfangen
umschloss der Welten dunklen Brand

Ich bin die Kiste
bin das ich
aus dem ich mich
entschließen kann
"jetzt wird wieder in die Hände gespuckt
wir haben nichts auf die hohe Kante gelegt"

5:37 - Berlin*fake
Man jubelte mir Dinge unter, die mich krank machen. Ich Rächer mach bei mir keinen Strich mehr. Mein Frühstück ist das Morgenrot.Der Irrglaube des Abendlandes an den Aberglauben im Orient liegt in meinem Magen wie ein rohes Steak. Und bedauerlicherweise setzt die Verdauung nicht ein, das Fett nicht an.

Wenn ich morgens vor dem Spiegel stehe, verschmäht das Bild den Betrachter. Meine Finger sind spindeldürr. Mein Herz ist gebügelt. Das Hirn weichgespült. Krawatte und Manschettenknöpfe im selben Winkel angelegt. "Das macht man so." Wenn meine Eltern auch viel versäumt haben, das Krawattenbinden haben sie mir beigebracht. Und ich beherrsche mein Wesen wie im Schlaf.

Doch Träume sind viel verbreiteten Meinungen widersprechend kein Naherholungsort à la "Einmal lala-Land und zurück, bitte!". Hier schlafen die ungezählten Schafe. Hier haben die Käfige keine Stäbe und das einzige Gehege ist der Blick aus der Burka. Sei's drum. Das Gewäsch der Ahnen bleibe mir erspart. Die Stimmen der Toten, sie bedienen sich unseres Argwohns und wer sich zuerst an der eigenen Hubris erbricht, dem huldigen sie für Jahrhunderte. Don't speak. I know just what you're thinking...#

"So lasst uns Fleisch begaffen.", schreit er mir nach. "Man lebt nur einmal." Das Weiß seiner Augen ist das Weiß von Tischtennisbällen und reingewaschenen Westen. Wie aufgescheuchte Krähen zucken die Brauen darüber. "Man muss bloß wissen, was man will. The rest is easy.", sagt er. "Ich will mein Leben zurück.", sage ich. "Wie es früher war." Die Brauen glätten sich. Er schweigt, hebt seine Hand, lässt sie fallen, die Nase in Richtung des Windes gereckt, der vom Hafen weht.

Laut dem BKA sind falsche Propheten an Bord. Sie spielen Billard und liegen in Liegestühlen auf dem Sonnendeck. Tief im Bauch des Dampfers sitzen die Zensoren der Heiligen Schrift in Reih und Glied. Zahnräder greifen ineinander. Und der Motor läuft leer. "Eine Seefahrt, das ist lustig, eine Seefahrt, das ist schön.", so singen sie über das Intercom. Und die Beichtstühle laufen über.

"Das Phänomen der Melancholie umfasst eine enorme Fülle an Gebieten wie das der Physiologie, Medizin und Psychologie, sowie der Theologie, Philosophie und Geometrie. Neben der hohen Spannweite und Streuung im Sinne wissenschaftlicher Disziplin, gilt es unzählige kulturelle und ideengeschichtliche Differenzen auszulesen. Die Melancholie in der Antike, im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance bis hin zur modernen Psychotherapie wird so unterschiedlich gedeutet, dass man zum Teil fast von gänzlich verschiedenen und separaten Phänomenen sprechen müsste."


"Im Gegensatz zu modernen oder postmodernen Auffassungen von der Melancholie als künstlerische Pose oder „Lifestyle“, finden wir bei Ishaq ibn Imran jenen „Weltschmerz“ oder Überdruss an der Welt als ausdrückliche Krankheit in antikem medizinischen Kontext."


Meine vollständige Arbeit zur Melancholie gibt's hier.

What will the future bring....
except a death that's certain?

facing the inevitable explosion of swirling information who am I to trust but a human being. Circuits homemade, the flow of data unpredictable like the absence of any absolute at all.

loading, streaming, logging, signing, clicking, casting....

we become the derivatives of our own imagination, shivering with ecstasy at the prospect of perfection. not recognizing the gizmo on our back. eyes blinded to the light of our ancestors' visions. ears sealed from the reverberation of grandfather clocks in an empty room. Hands gloved in virtual sensation. Heart, bladder and sexual organs serving the binary system.

What will the future bring...
except an unfinished revelation

Neurons enveloped deeply in enigmatic structures of sonic interpretation, the drug of the millenium, a four-letter-word: DATA

Mein Wille ist den Weg von Wellen gegangen.
Und ich sitze gestrandet auf Zeitbänken.
Stranded in between the markets of the world
I am a tomato among Agents of Orange
and there's no taste bud without a conscience

Three gazillions of seemingly random stimuli
gush away like gallons of wine
into the cross-cultural cortex of mine


Our capacities of interpetation
are outweighed by the influx of disinformation
to the extent we try to stay reformed


The history of ideas unfolds relentlessly
on the assembly line where I
with three missed calls
and two are not beknown to me


I say you are the same as me

I claim, we talk, she climbs a ladder
They faint, we walk, he listens closely

Shrouding minds in tabloid storms
all hearts are sealed behind this song
peeling eyelids from windshields
our tongues are levitating above the smoke-trails
of burning get-away cars

eyes closed

now that there's not one
thing left to see
I might
just as well
stop counting
Once upon a time I found my head reclined against the bed of Rhein
and I did not know what to say or do...
Once upon awakening I saw a lake forsaken then
and still my eyes hunt down its sight...

Once up on a mountain top the wind saluted, searchlight dropped...
and you said this was not supposed to happen
not supposed to be in this eternal dream
of revelations seemlessly esteemed benevolent
and followed by the sheep believing

Once upon a rhyme I saw the signs of day-of-judgement look-a-likes
and I just could not be too sure, the pre-described cure in my trembling hands, pockets filled with remembrance of the ancients' senses and still I'm wondering whether I should swallow what makes us wallow in the Realm of Boredom or if it is okay to keep on walking just to stay

Once upon a lime-lit night these questions were being held in cross-eyed interrogatory darkness, mark, set, go! And the venture was not in need of an answer any longer, the anchor relentlessly relocated itself by the traces left on a blue sky and home was no longer where I went, but who I was

so if you asked me for the way
dictated by your heart I would not
sway and swagger, pray or stagger
but remind you of the day
where roads converge into dots

- Teelonius, NJ, 1st of May, 2007

now. I am just a stone's throw away from all the violence I buried under someone else's dreams

feeling is like a bird
gone long before
it was even there

Mein Go- mein Go-

Worte, Anwohner
von Gesten im
leidigen Gelände

Taten, Begleiter
der Selbstgebändigten
Meister im Gedränge

der Schnee vor den Häusern
behält eure Spur
- in Andacht tiefer Schluchten

Manchmal sind Hausarbeiten eine Bürde. Manchmal das reinste Vergnügen.

Ich freue mich, euch "Indeterminanz und Immanenz in Julian Barnes' "The Survivor" präsentieren zu dürfen. 16 Seiten postmoderne Theorie und Praxis in Literatur und Lebenswerk.


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P.S: Feedback immer willkommen!
"My lawn is so emo that it cuts itself" - anonymous

Special: The 'Lost' Poem - download future issue of May 2008 (here)