RT @Larry_Carlson: SMOKE BEAR-#video #art #420 #vj http://ping.fm/0fpFr
@saskwatch great tweets, thanx
RT @Gustavius: More Pirate Parties being established in EU: http://bit.ly/ic3VJ
via @doctorow
RT @heiseonline: Telekom klagt gegen Entscheidung der Bundesnetzagentur http://snurl.com/l3mis
RT @UCYIMD1: RT @KashiaK Encourage one another so that we ALL make it to the top together ~ K.Knight
The Magic of Tea ♫ ;) http://ow.ly/fZbz
RT @twihaiku: It’s a career choice //
But does it pay good money //
To be a zombie? // @michellesheiman
RT @BitBoutique: "Munich is smaller than Berlin and the people drink a lot of beer." #BerlinVsMünchen #AussenAnsichten
RT @blinkenlicht: http://bit.ly/Slyn9 Parteiübergreifender Konsens: Twitter ist gefährlich! (und gehört wie Wählen verboten) #zensursula
RT @elg0nz: Sound Opinions - Trent Reznor http://ff.im/-4qU91 (via @avantchicago)
RT @KolayOtuNdE: RT @Deepak_Chopra Washington Post OnFaith: Mini Skirts, Yes. Burqas, No? - http://bit.ly/HyBFj (Well put Sir.)
RT @giclee: RT @HeadShaver PETA is sending Obama this because he killed a fly on TV: http://bit.ly/vsVaU
RT @shannonseek: Are your feet relaxed? Lifting ur pinky toes..Notice how it helps u breathe. #relax
stoned wallabies make crop circles! http://bit.ly/MAXc8 via @weirdimals:
RT @derfreitag: The Day #Facebook Changed Forever: Messages to Become Public By Default (UPDATED) >> http://tr.im/pH22
RT @DonDahlmann: Sehr schönes Interview mit #Zensursula und der eloquenten @franzsikaheine in der Zeit. http://tr.im/pGS8
RT @WeLikeToShareIt: on the tip of my tongue sits a silent ecstasy ☺ http://ow.ly/elIq
Integral Iran - A Civilian Diplomacy Trip http://ping.fm/pWDye
RT @WeLikeToShareIt: As I’m sitting patiently in the waiting-room / a thousand suns collide unseen ✺ http://ow.ly/elJs
"Der Freiheitskämpfer im Ausland ist der Terrorist im Inland " #iran #zensursula von @jensscholz
Everyone Beware of The Kabbalah Cult Bnei Baruch by Dr. Laitman: http://ow.ly/fCxJ ~ there's a massive brainwashing going behind the scenes
What Good is the Church? by Father Thomas Keating and Brother David Steindl-Rast http://ow.ly/ftow
RT @twihaiku: The longest day done / And ever so slowly those / Dark nights will roll in. @iangoole
Body Stuck in Front of Screen? Why not Try a Short Workout? http://ow.ly/ftKF
The Alphabet, the Goddess, and the Path Towards a More Integral Future http://ow.ly/ftoB
Musing on Evolution - Art and Physics ~ Leonard Shlain and Stuart Davis http://ow.ly/fteY
Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary. ~Chinese Proverb
RT @thatgirlmystic: more Nina http://bit.ly/Wg3Pi
twitter, twitter on the wall...let us drink a tea and take a time out. it's now or never :D
SPD Politiker @Tauss tritt nach 38 jahren zurück und tritt der piratenpartei bei. the impossible seems to work quite well...
RT @wassertorplatz: da bedrängen die leute rechtswidrig die polizei und beschweren sich noch, wenn die sich wehren. alles irre #tempelhof
Great Tribulations #iran #tempelhof http://ow.ly/fewb
"police says to reporter, water-cannons will only be used if people try to climb fence" via @bmonline http://ow.ly/fesU pic via @edverillo
following #tempelhof on twitter and watching live-stream from iran. http://ow.ly/fera almost 4000 people watching
Despite increasing police pressure, mood of demonstrators seems lightheahed http://ping.fm/TevtT #tempelhof #airport #berlin
Lots of People in the Streets in Berlin. Massive Police-Presence prevents Protesters to Climb the Airport Fence http://ow.ly/fdw4 #tempelhof
John Lennon says " for the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands, and for the rest of you just rattle your jewlery"
listen to Meteorological Flash & Thunder'S "Alhambra Breakout" - choose the price you wanna pay or simply leech for free@ http://ow.ly/eZSF
#followfriday @flawnt @fun2tweet @ambienteer @starliteve @weirdimals @giclee @DigitalDoyle @Rieschen @Gustavius & a terrific nice weekened!
RT @JCLemay: RT@dcagle GREAT cartoon about twitter's effect on #iranelection in Tehran http://ping.fm/M2bdB
RT @lainiep: drinking Golden Monkey from Teaism :) http://bit.ly/ESmOq
demonstration under brandenburg gate, berlin against the new internet censoring laws http://ow.ly/eMbL via @Euphoriefetzen
"YouTube relaxed its usual restrictions on violent videos to allow the images from Iran to reach the world." http://ow.ly/eKSV
one of the most comprehensively updated news-sources for what's going in iran: http://ping.fm/8icXC
Obama Kills a Fly http://ow.ly/eyTq
#bildungsstreik #berlin http://ping.fm/lcgSD via @freenerd
Twitter Revolution in Iran? Tools for Tumultuous Times http://ow.ly/eqlF
A Black Day For Internet Freedom In Germany http://ow.ly/eqkR
90% Of Waking Hours Spent Staring At Glowing Rectangles http://adjix.com/dwqz
RT @Larry_Carlson: See You on the Flipside --- #art #420 #psychedelic --- http://ping.fm/KUAeP
ARENA für NACHHALTIGKEIT ~ Petition für Dematerialisierung der Wirtschaft http://ow.ly/e8Rl
@kidkandy123 Top 5 ways to annoy someone on the phone - 5. http://ping.fm/gaq3q via @smithjeremy
@pembteaco bring it on :)
IRAN: A Nation Of Bloggers ~ http://ping.fm/pKBqM
RT @thymiane3000: In the park, being stalked by an aggressive squirrel. I don't like the looks of him, moves diagonally. Very shifty.
@Blippo as usual you're blip radio station supplies us with high quality. thank you
RT @Change_for_Iran: street-footage from teheran: http://bit.ly/ZV2As
@DigitalDoyle imagine a congregation of all of 'em :)
RT @giclee: Solar - the truth at last! http://bit.ly/z8Dfd // beautiful, giclee. thanks
RT @teelanovela: RT @starlingpoet: Live for the moments that you can't put into words // thanx starling
RT @starlingpoet: Live for the moments that you can't put into words // thanx starling
@weirdimals it's a free country. but we shall heed your wish nevertheless
You are the cheese to my macaroni." #lovepoetry http://adjix.com/f3p7
recently pimped site with all your lovely answers to our survey #favoritewaytotakeatimeout http://ow.ly/dVeu thanx a lot twuniverse
"A large dairy animal approached Zaphod Beeblebrox's table ..." http://ow.ly/dSJ3
RT @WeLikeToShareIt: #iRemember when there where no memories of the future
"Thou Shalt Take A Time Out" #11thcommandment
Since we've been wrong
I've been part awake
Since we've been wrong
you will never, ever know me .... http://ow.ly/dGAb
RT @Rieschen: RT @diemaschinistin: RT @Karrierebibel Repariert Berlin mit Lego! http://bit.ly/XigcO
@Rieschen hier ist es erklärt. sieht nach nem spannenden projekt aus: http://ping.fm/1B5DS
"Mein Block, Mein Tarif, Meine Sms-Flat" ... #WTF ...*prust vor lachen* die sind sich auch für nix mehr zu schad heut, wa? :D
RT @crank_to: #Nordkorea twittert[e]...http://is.gd/YOOx ...geile Geschichte, geile Idee!
RT @horax: RT @moellus: Berlin, Germany: O2 World hacked http://post.ly/odX
RT @pembteaco: adopt-a-tea-plant and we send you it's produce: TEA! http://ping.fm/dBB0C
@reneekismet the best answers to questions are questions, i believe :)
great TEA-Icons http://ow.ly/dsNj
what is this life about, anyways?
I am nothing

more than a


of forces http://ow.ly/dgCq
words are loud

when silence



into a

and if we'll still be blind

we would not even notice

split seconds

of the separée

“you see?” http://ow.ly/dgC4

I lost myself on the

Hollywood swing

of widescreened

bewilderment http://ow.ly/dgAW
come sample
my shadow’s essence
and let us be reinterpreted
through the scriptures unsung http://ow.ly/dgzY
no word
can claim
this moment’s
openness http://ow.ly/dggI
Wanna do a link-exchange? #geekpickuplines
RT @MutualShare: #urahoe if you are a person from a a certain religion and only talk to people who have the same religion. That's incest
RT @sarchi: Petition: O2 to offer reasonable iPhone 3GS upgrade and tethering #o2fail @patrickaltoft http://ping.fm/iOX2y
RT @DiggsWayne: In my next lifetime I want to be the activities director on a Ship of Fools: http://tr.im/nSkL
Compassion & Wanting to Sleep with Your Neighbor's Wife: http://ow.ly/cYOi
first shoe design by teelanovela :) start sneakin... http://ow.ly/cYwO
Don't Believe Everything You Think! http://ow.ly/cRx7 #Bumper sticker
RT @Toltecjohn: "Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream" Kahlil Gibran -> http://bit.ly/KUPxS
RT @pi: Gutachten interessieren mich nicht, Gutachten sind unterirdisch - ich ziehe das jetzt durch.(Ursula von der... http://bit.ly/1av8LX
RT @dubber: Virtual Tenori-on for your musical entertainment - http://bit.ly/oIMUh
RT @auditorycanvas: 10 gig of free, legal, samples here: http://ping.fm/COBGo
RT @csommer: Die intellektuelle Elite weiß nichts vom Internet http://short.to/dimz
@auditorycanvas thank you for the link
Creation Out of a Teacup ~ http://bit.ly/V7Zku
RT @bluelectric: "So sind die jungen Leute heute." #zdf #greisensender #eu09
RT @MutualShare: what would jesus NOT do?
Life is A Crappy Game But The Graphics Are Awesome: http://ow.ly/cI7x
Yesterday http://ow.ly/cABT
"it is too late to be a pessimist." HOME - full length 1 1/2 hour enviromental documentary free streaming http://ping.fm/6MMo1
You should #followfriday @zenbirdfeeder because she actively participates in a creative, witty and friendly manner. Her tweets make my day.
RT @pembteaco: I think we'll hold back until we can do an AMAZING teapot. Rather than compromise.
The Way We Live is Taking a Time
@pembteaco You just have to turn the Coffee Addicition of a Whole Generation into Tea Appreciation?shall we start? :D
@lechajim mmm. müssen wir mal ortskundige fragen
@lechajim ja, du hast tatsächlich Recht: http://ping.fm/8jj9t
RT @skashliwal: Relax about it all - the Universe is creating miracles as you are reading this. #loa RT @Lovin_Life:
RT @ShawnRobinson: Twitter co-founder: We'll have made it when you shut up about us - http://ping.fm/CDZod
@ambienteer @fjfonseca thanx for the repost, friends. awesome timez we're livin' in....
RT @kshaheen: Watch this space for a full video soon of the speech from HuffPo http://ping.fm/Txmh3 #cairospeech
#cairospeech live-broadcast http://ow.ly/b2FX
@buddhabranding "Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great.
" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
@buddhabranding "Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great.
" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
ISLAM 2.0 - http://ping.fm/dXP9m ??!
@AlaskaArt thanks for the quote
RT @zhuangzi: zum ZEIT-Link: oh mann, wie oberspiessig, wetten der typ wird in spätestens 5 jahren auch regelmäßiger twitternutzer sein?
@zeitonline hätte mehr von einem zeit-kommentar erwartet. peace
earning bucks by sharing links? way cool... we just signed up. keep us posted about your experience with this thing: http://ow.ly/aOsa
I AM I AM I AM I AM I AM I AM I AM I AM I AM http://ping.fm/W4mCt
ZEIT über Twitter:Kriegt der etablierte Journalismus Schiss oder ist die Arroganz einfach zu groß? #etepetete #elite http://is.gd/N1vt
Note to self: Must keep reminding myself of ineffable beauty of the present
"we know how the pieces fit, cause we watched them tumble down ~ we discover communication" -tool
RT @MaanNewsAgency: Israel opens three Gaza crossings http://ping.fm/wHteV
RT @thomasraukamp: RT @dafrisch: a good resource - 500 drum samples at http://ping.fm/IHEBM (via @_alka @zuzz) thanx @
if you sort out your twitter feed, there are actually many lovely people out there, who have something unique to say. ads &autotweet->bin
RT @UCYIMD1: I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something ...
@jacobfricke sennheiser
@VoodooAngie will check it out. make sure to post a reminder, though, please . thanx
@To_The_Moon http://ping.fm/PC6z2 #moonmusicmonday
@To_The_Moon ♫ André Klein - While The Moonlight had Cleared - http://ow.ly/am4P #moonmusicmonday
@To_The_Moon ♫ echo & the bunnymen – the killing moon http://ow.ly/akIV #moonmusicmonday